Do you interested to find 'phd thesis hkust'? You can find your answers here.
Table of contents
- Phd thesis hkust in 2021
- Hkust library
- Ust thesis format
- Hkust thesis template
- Phd thesis database
- Hku theses online
- Hkust thesis submission
- Hkust phd qualifying exam
Phd thesis hkust in 2021

Hkust library

Ust thesis format

Hkust thesis template

Phd thesis database

Hku theses online

Hkust thesis submission

Hkust phd qualifying exam

Who is the TEC for a PhD thesis?
For PhD thesis examinations, upon the recommendations of the department and the school, the Office of Postgraduate Studies shall appoint a PhD TEC to examine the candidate who has expressed the intention of defending the thesis. One examiner external to the University who has expertise in the field being examined.
When to start thesis research for a RPG?
RPg students should ensure that they enroll in the appropriate thesis research course when they begin their thesis research work. They should continue to enroll in the thesis research course until they have submitted their thesis.
Is the thesis examination mandatory for postgraduate students?
The thesis examination is mandatory for students enrolled in research postgraduate programs and is conducted by a Thesis Examination Committee (TEC). The membership of the TEC should be formed according to the guidelines of the University.
Where can I find a copy of my thesis?
A thesis copy will be put on display prior to the thesis examination for perusal by departmental faculty, students, other University members, and members of the public. A thesis examination takes place in a single session and comprises four parts, the first two of which are open to all members of the University and departmental guests.
Last Update: Oct 2021